·Clarity and consistency throughout
·Virtually error-free (notice that the scores are not expecting you to write a perfect essay. An occasional error is acceptable)
The readers are looking for your thesis, or the statement of your main idea, and how well you establish the purpose of your essay.
·Insightful and effective addressing of the topic
The organization of your essay and development of your ideas are basic elements that the scorers read for
·Excellent organization
·Fully developed with appropriate examples, facts and details supporting your thesis
Readers assess your use of correct sentence structure and a variety of sentence structures;
·Variety in sentence structure
This characteristic relates to your choice of words, or diction, to convey your ideas
·Breadth in vocabulary
Your overall use of correct grammar and usage is also evaluated;
·Excellent facility in language usage
官方6分范文 View,View
5分的评分标准 (英)
·Good clarity and consisitency
·Few errors and lapses in quality
·Effective addressing of the topic
·Good organization
·Adequate development with examples, facts, and details supporting the thesis
·Some sentence variety
·Some breadth in vocabulary
·Facility in language usage
官方5分范文 View, View
4分的评分标准 (英)
·Adequate clarity and consistency
·Some errors and lapses in quality
·Adequate addressing of the topic
·Adequate organization
·Some development with examples, facts and details supporting the thesis
·Minimal variety in sentence structure
·Some errors in vocabulary
·Inconsistent facility in language usage, some error in grammar
官方4分范文 View, View
3分的评分标准 (英)
·Emerging competence
·Many errors
·Somewhat off the topic
·Insufficient organization
·Inadequate or insufficient support
·Errors in sentence structure
·Simplistic vocabulary, errors in diction
·Errors in grammar and other language usage
官方3分范文 View
2分的评分标准 (英)
·Some incompetence
·Flaws throughout
·Inadequate treatment of the topic
·Poor organization
·Lack of adequate support inappropriate support
·Many errors in sentence structure
·Frequent errors in diction
·Many errors in grammar and other language usage
官方2分范文 View
1分的评分标准 (英)
·Serious flaws throughout
·Very poor addressing of the topic
·Extremely insufficient organization
·Very inappropriate or insufficient support
·Serious errors in sentence structure
·Many errors in diction that affect understanding
·Errors in grammar and other language usage that cloud meaning
官方1分范文 View