《大学》是一篇论述儒家修身齐家治国平天下思想的散文,原是《小戴礼记》第四十二篇,相传为春秋战国时期曾子所作,实为秦汉时儒家作品,是一部中国古代讨论教育理论的重要著作。经北宋程颢、程... 大学
密西西比大学坐落于密西西比州北部的牛津镇。牛津镇被誉为“典型的美国大学城”,周围群山怀抱,森林茂密。尽管这是一所小型城镇,但城镇及其周边地区具有大都市的音乐、文学、艺术氛围以及轻松的生活方式。牛津镇生活成本低、治安良好、环境优美、气候宜人,拥有种族与宗教和谐的文化氛围,是国际学生求学的理想之地。美国国家报纸《今日美国》将牛津镇评为全美前6名大学城之一。此外,《旅游与休闲》杂志将牛津镇评为“美国最棒的大学城”之一。学校距离田纳西州孟斐斯市仅有1.5小时的路程。孟斐斯市是摇滚乐的发源地,也是蓝调之乡。传奇音乐人埃尔维斯•普雷斯利(猫王)、约翰尼卡什、B•B•金、W.C. Handy、欧提斯瑞丁都曾在这里崭露头角,他们的音乐作品至今都具有很大的影响力。
好评项:1.Traditions, especially groving on football weekends2.Great work experience that's available in your field of study before you graduate3.A faculty that's supportive of the students, instills knowledge, and helps ensure that students have jobs after college4.Small class sizes once you get past the lower level5.Great restaurants6.Oxford's close proximity to Memphis, Jackson, Tupelo, and Clarksdale7.Small-town atmosphere8.Knowing that you're safe just about anywhere in Oxford9.Attractive campus10.Outdoor activities like fishing, canoeing, camping, and hiking, which are available nearby差评项:1.Parking2.Constant construction on buildings, even though it will pay off in the end3.The stereotypes that others have about Ole Miss4.The communal bathrooms in the dorms5.The limited number of classes that are offered in each subject6.English is not the first language of many of the science and engineering professors7.Enormous out-of-state tuition, which seems to go up every year8.Huge role that Greeks play in student life9.Less-than-ideal advising system10.Unpredictable weather3、选择该校的理由