单词 词义 教材出处(英文) 教材出处(译文)
widespread adj. 普遍的,广泛的;分布广的 Before the widespread use of computers, the information either reached managers too late or was too expensive to be used.(原文:10年教材,阅读) 计算机广泛应用之前,信息要么到达经理处太迟,要么费用太贵而用不起。
hold, held, holden vt. 持有;保存;拥有;拘留;约束或控制vi. 持续;支持;有效n. 保留;控制 On his shoulder he carried a club and in his hand he held a bow(弓).(原文:09年教材,Hercules) 他(Hercules)肩扛棍棒,手持弓。
spacious adj. 宽敞的,广阔的;无边无际的。 We were told that ours was the most spacious room in the hotel.(原文:10年教材,阅读) 我们被告知,我们的(婚礼)是最宽敞的房间在旅馆里。
explain v. 说明;解释 Biologists are unable to explain why Dinosaurs are dying.(原文:10年教材,阅读) 生物学家不能解释为什么恐龙灭亡。
forbidden adj. 严禁的,禁用的;被禁止的 Women could not take part and were forbidden, on pain of death,even to attend the Games.(原文:11年教材,阅读) 妇女不能参加甚至被禁止出席这个运动会
decent adj. 得体的;正派的;相当好的 I want to provide my boys with a decent education.(原文:09年教材,阅读) 我想给我的孩子们提供良好的教育。
explore v. 探测;探索;探险 A man begins to explore the fat problem in the early 30's 男人是在30出头开始担心肥胖问题的。
estimate n. 估计,估价;判断,看法vt. 估计,估量;判断,评价 An estimated 17 million people die of various disease.(原文:11年教材,阅读) 估计有1700万人死于各种疾病。
obviously adv.明显地 Obviously,you should not increase your reading speed if you do not understand what you are reading. (原文:09年教材,Hints for Reading Practice) 很明显,如果你不理解阅读材料,就不应该增加阅读速度。
spectator n. 观众;旁观者 The spectators, as well as the participants, of the ancient Olympics were male.(原文:11年教材,阅读) 古代奥运会的观众和运动员都是男的。