石家庄市,简称“石”,旧称石门,河北省辖地级市、省会、Ⅰ型大城市,是国务院批复确定的中国京津冀地区重要的中心城市之一。截至2021年,全市下辖8个区、11个县,代管3个县级市,总面... 石家庄


Choose a paragraph and read aloud.


Choose a paragraph and mark each sentence with a sound script (helpful pronunciation mark up). This will help you read more naturally, and thus pronounce correctly.


Choose a few sentences from your reading material and highlight content words. Read these sentences focusing on accenting these content words, while quickly speaking over the structure words.


Once you become comfortable reading a single paragraph aloud, read an entire page by reading a paragraph aloud and then reading one silently.


Choose some nursery rhymes to practice. They will help you with pronunciation through rhythm.


Read a short story or a few paragraphs to a friend who is also studying English. Compare the differences and discuss what might be the reasons for the differences.


Choose a paragraph, short article or newspaper story with new vocabulary. Use the dictionary or other online pronunciation resource to help you learn the correct pronunciation of these words.


Read a play with some friends. Each friend takes a different part. Start with short scenes. Once you are comfortable, read longer pieces together.
