有逻辑的表达才更能让听者明白你的意思,就像写作文我们会有“总分总”或“总分”的结构,口语何尝不是?所以表达时,我们也可以提前想好一个逻辑顺序,以不变应万变。比如先说人物,再说物品,最后说环境天气或者自己的看法等。先总再分。比如开头总写图片内容:In the photo, I can see four people in a book store. 剑桥PET考试口语练习二:细致描述 在分写的时候,图片里一定会有人物,物品和环境的。我们一定要尽可能全面描述,既能保证词汇范围丰富,又能保证时间能说得更长。描述人可以从穿着配饰、外貌、动作、表情情绪等方面入手,选择其中2-3项即可。其中动作可以描述细致一点。描述动作我们通常用正在进行时。 There are three adults and a girl. The woman on the left is wearing a striped T-shirt and a brown knit outerwear. She has got curly brown hair. The little girl in the middle is wearing glasses and blue jeans. And the man on the right has got a jacket and he is wearing glasses too. The other woman is behind the pillar, we cannot see her clearly. The girl and the man are reading quietly on their own. The girl in the middle is lying on a large beanbag with her legs crossed comfortably, and she is holding a book with both hands. And other people are sitting on a round sofa around the pillar. The woman has two bags, one of them has got a heart on. She puts the leather bag on her lap, maybe she is looking for something in it. 由人过渡到事物的描述,要借助方位词。比如:Next to the girl, there is a schoolbag on the floor. And behind the girl, there are lots of bookshelves. There are many books on the shelves, and the books are organized nicely on the shelves. Above the round sofa, there is a big umbrella-shaped lampshade and many lights. 最后再说说整体的环境和自己的看法等:It is a very tidy quiet and bright place, so it looks like a good place to enjoy reading. 剑桥PET考试口语练习三:解读与猜想 图片描述过程中可能我们有自己的解读和猜想,我们可以基于事实进行一定的推测。比如图片中人物皱着眉头他可能在想什么,人物带着围巾那么可能是秋天的猜测等。但是一定要分清推测和事实,不能把自己的猜测直接当成事实说出来。用来表达猜测的语言有:I think;I guess;Maybe/possibly;It is likely that;It looks/seems like;They might/must be.有了方法,接下来就可以拿各种各样的图片练习起来了。练习的过程中也要不断积累一些描述用的语句哦。