一、题型特点 每篇文章都有作者自己的写作意图,在ACT英语的考试中经常会出现这类题型,考查考生是否理解或掌握了作者的写作意图,而且一般是建立在对全文的理解上。接下来我们看看这类题型到底是如何考查的。二、真题解析 Question x x asks about the preceding passage as a whole 例:Suppose the writer had intended to write a brief essay focusing on the various ways that storytelling influences community values. Would this essay successfully fulfill the writer’s goal? A.Yes, because the essay indicated that Smith believes storytelling pulls a community together. B.Yes, because the essay shows that Smith’s Baltimore community valued her gift as a storyteller. C.No, because the essay focuses on the griots of West Africa, not in community values. D.No, because the essay’s main focus is on one storyteller and the way in which she practices her art. 答案解析:这是典型的满足作者意图题,这类题型前面都会出现一个方框“Question XX asks about the preceding passage as a whole. ”本题问的是作者的文章是否满足最初的写作设想。本题的题干中提到“假设作者有意强调讲故事对社会价值影响的多种途径”,但是纵观全文,作者从头到尾重点介绍了一位著名的 storyteller和她实践艺术的方式,所以正确答案是选项D。三、答题要点 1.这类题型的特点是长题干和长选项。 2.常见的提示词通常有:fulfill the writer’s goal, best accomplish the writer’s goal/intention 等。 3.大家在做ACT英语时首先要看一下题目中是否有这类题型,这样大家在读文章的时候就会有侧重点,也不用在看到题的时候回去找文章大意,节省时间。