       改版后的剑桥五级KET考试写作部分增加看图写话,其实孩子从上小学开始,一年级就有看图写话,但是面对英文看图写话,如何写出要点,得到高分呢?感兴趣的家长和孩子可以看看分享的“剑桥五级KET写作之看图写话思路分享”一文,希望有所帮助。       相较KET写作part6的25字以上回复型email的写作,part7看图写话在难度上还是增加了很多。实际上看图写话也是很常见的一个题型,比如国内希望之星的比赛,剑桥YLE的口语都有类似的考查,国内语文也有类似的作文考题。       新版KET part7题目说明:3幅图片,写一篇超过35词的故事。       首先第一幅图片,可以从人物事,时间地点天气和事件的起因角度进行描述,也就是我们常说的几个W--Who, What, When, Where and Why等。It was sunny last Sunday. The children were having a party in the garden and dad was cooking.       中间第二幅图片的描述可以连接起第一幅图,使用一些逻辑连接词,比如:suddenly, then, and, after a while, an hour later, but, however等,然后使用Who did What+Where/when这样的英语简单句句子结构描述:Suddenly, it started to rain heavily. Dad and the children quickly took the food, chairs and the table back to the house.       第三幅图片就可以做一个结尾,同样最好使用连词连接第二幅图片,在总结的时候可以加上How/Why, 对故事进行情感的升华。They were a little disappointed at first because of the weather. Then dad suggested that they could continue the party in the house and started to cook. The children were happy and all of them had a good time!