As machines increasingly perform all our basic tasks, society is able to produce more. The additional production adds material value to our society and frees people up from these low-skill tasks. This is in agreement with Perspective Two which claims that this industrialization leads to more prosperity. For example, in the 18th century, short-staple cotton that was grown in the Southern United States required an immense amount of labor in order to seperate the seeds from the fiber to process the cotton to make it marketable. However, in the mid-19th century, Eli Whitney, an American entrepreneur, invented the cotton gin, which allowed for automation of cotton processing. This machine replaced the need of a large work force for the process and greatly improved production. As a result of the cotton gin, short-staple cotton production skyrocketed, increasing by more than 10 times in the South while bringing prosperity to the region and setting in motion a new industrial era in America.
这一段的观点是Society is able to produce more.作者在这里引用cotton gin的例子,来说明machine代替人类之后,明显的produce more。运用具体的历史事件来说明观点。
When-in the 18th century
What—short-staple cotton
Where—in the Southern United States
Why—required an immense amount of labor in order to…
Who—Eli Whitney
Function-replaced the need of a large work force
Result-increasing by more than 10 times and setting in motion…