1. The author uses the description of …; to make the point that… 2. The author uses the remark …; primarily as an example of:一般来说,如果段落中含有例子,其段落结构大致可以分为以下两种:
1) top sentence → examples → conclusion,
2) examples → conclusion。
例子题所对应的段落中一般会出现for example, such as, for instance,therefore等表示举例说明作用的短语。做例子题的时候要注意三点:
原文: Government is so technical that even career civil servants cannot explain what is happening. In 1978 I attended a seminar on federal estate and gift tax, where the Internal Revenue Service lawyers responsible for this area frankly confessed that they did not understand the Tax Reform Act of 1976. 政府是如此的有技术含量以至于甚至连公务员都不能解释正在发生着什么。1978年,我出席了一个联邦资产税收的研讨会,在这里负责的美国国内税局的律师坦白地承认到,他们不明白1976年的税收改革法案。 题目:The author uses the description of the tax seminar in 1978 to make the point that some governmental issues are: A. so technical that not even career civil servants can understand them. B. so technical that only career civil servants can understand them. C. more technical than they used to be before the passage of the Tax Reform Act. D. too technical for anyone other than an Internal Revenue Service tax lawyer to understand. 答案:A 分析:作者在文中描述一个例子的作用就是为了证明一个结论,所以,举例作用题的答案为例子之前或之后的结论句。一般,由for example开头的例子,结论句在之前。如果例子结束后出现therefore,则therefore之后为结论句。本题结论句在例子之前,即 Government is so technical that even career civil servants cannot explain what is happening. 通过同义改写,得到A选项。B选项错误原因依然是故意丢失not。