



作为一种中华传统食材,豆腐既营养美味又价格低廉。豆腐的原材料非常简单,主要是黄豆,它富含丰富的蛋白质。我国制作、食用豆腐的历史悠久,相传北宋著名诗人苏轼曾亲自烹饪和品尝豆腐,名菜“东坡豆腐”一直流传。豆腐的味道清淡,入口即化,可以搭配鱼、蔬菜等不同食材烹制,也可以生吃。最简单的吃法是放点小葱、油和一小撮(a pinch of)盐,一盘美味的菜肴就做好了。


As a traditional Chinese ingredient, tofu is nutritious, delicious and inexpensive. Its raw material is very simple, mainly soybean, which is rich in protein. China boasts a long history of making and eating tofu, and it is said that Su Shi, the famous poet of the Northern Song Dynasty, cooked and tasted tofu himself, and the well-known dish "Dongpo Tofu" has been passed down since then. Tofu is light and melts in the mouth. It can be cooked with different ingredients such as fish and vegetables. Also it can be eaten raw. The easiest way to eat it is to add a little bit of spring onion, oil and a pinch of salt, and in this way a delicious dish is ready.

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