


Anger over AI’s role in exacerbating inequality could endanger the technology's future. In her new book Cogs and Monsters: What Economics Is, and What It Should Be,

Diane Coyle, an economist at Cambridge University, argues that the digital economy requires new ways ofthinking about progress. “Whatever we mean by the economy growing, by things getting better, the gains will have to be more evenly shared than in the recent past," she writes. “An economy oftech millionaires or billionaires and gig workers, with middle-income jobs undercut by automation, will not be politically

sustainable."Improving living standards and increasing prosperity for more people will require greater use of digital technologies to boost productivity in various sectors, including healthcare and construction, says Coyle. But people can't be expected to embrace the changes ifthey're not seeing the benefits--ifthey're just seeing goodjobs being destroyed.In a recent interview with MIT Technology Review,Coyle said she fears that tech's inequality problem could be a roadblock to deploying AI.“We're talking about disruption," she says.“These are transformative technologies that change the ways we spend our time every day, that change business models that succeed." To make such “tremendous changes," she adds,you need social buy-in. Instead, says Coyle, resentment is simmering among many as the benefits are perceived to go to elites in a handful of prosperous cities.According to the Brookings Institution, a short list of eight American cities that included San Francisco, San Jose, Boston, and Seattle had roughly 38% of all techjobs by2019.New AI technologies are particularly concentrated: Brookings's Mark Muro and Sifan Liu estimate that just 15 cities account for two-thirds of the AI assets and capabilities in the United States (San Francisco and San Jose alone account for about one-quarter).The dominance of a few cities in the invention and commercialization of AI means that geographical disparities in wealth will continue to soar. Not only will this foster political and social unrest, but it could, as Coyle suggests, hold back the sorts of AI technologies needed for regional economies to grow.Part of the solution could lie in somehow loosening the stranglehold that Big Tech has on defining the AI agenda. That will likely take increased federal funding for research independent of th etech giants. Muro and others have suggested hefty federal funding to help create US regional innovation centers, for example.A more immediate response is to broaden our digital imaginations to conceive ofAI technologies that don't simply replace jobs but expand opportunities in the sectors that different parts of the country care most about, like healthcare,education, and


21.Coyle argues that economic growth should

A.give rise to innovations

B.diversify career choices

C.benefit people equally

D. be promoted forcelly


解析:细节题。根据题于定位到第一段第二句,“digital economy requires new waysthinking about progress. “Whatever we mean by the economy growing, by things getting better, the gains will have to be more evenly shared than in the recent past”,对应选项C,其中equally 与evenly 同义替换。其他选项无中生有。

22.According to Paragraph 2, digital technologies should be used to

A.bring about instant prosperity

B.reduce people's workload

C.raise overall work efficiency

D.enhance cross-sector cooperation


解析:细节题。根据题干定位到第二段,“will require greater use of digital technologies to boost

productivity in various sectors”,直接对应选项C,ABD无中生有

23.What does Coyle fear about transformative technologies?

A.They may affect work-life balance.

B.They maybe impractical to deploy.

C.They may incur huge expenditure.

D. They may unwelcome to public.


解析:细节题。根据题干定位至第三段第二句These are transformative technologiesthat change the ways we spend our time every day, that change business models that succeed." To make such “tremendous changes," she adds, you need social buy-in,根据最后一句“you need social buy-in”对应选项D。选项AC无中生有,B虽在前一句出现,但与题干无关。

24.Several American cities are mentioned to show

A.the uneven distribution of AI technology in the US

B.the disappointing prospect of jobs in the US

C.the fast progress of US regional economies

D. the increasing significance ofUSAI assets


解析:例证题。根据题干定位至第五段。第五段整段都是例子本身,在围绕新AI技术集中在某几个区域,紧接着下一段首句提到“The dominance of a few cities in the invention and commercialization of AI”,强调AI分布不均匀,只局限在谋几个区域,对应A

25.With regard to concern, the author suggests

A.raising funds to start new AI projects

B.encourage collaboration in AI research

C.guarding against side effects of AI

D.redefine the role of AI

答案: D

解析:细节题。根据题干定位至最后一段,“Amore immediate response is to broaden our digital imaginations to conceive ofAI technologies”,主要表达了需要拓宽我们认知AI技术的想象力,对应D


对人工智能在加剧不平等方面所扮演角色的愤怒可能会危及该技术的未来。剑桥大学经济学家黛安·科伊尔(DianeC2oyle)在她的新书《齿轮与怪物:经济学是什么,以及它应该是什么》中认为,数字经济需要以新的方式思考进步。她写道:“无论我们所说的经济增长、情况好转意味着什么,收益都必须比最近更平均地分享。“一个由科技百万富翁或亿万富翁和零工组成的经济,中等收入工作岗位被自动化削弱,在政治上是不可持续的。科伊尔说,要提高生活水平,让更多人更加繁荣,就需要更多地使用数字技术来提高包括医疗保健和建筑在内的各个行业的生产力。但是,如果人们没有看到好处,就不能指望他们接受这些变化-一如果他们只是看到好工作被摧毁。在最近接受《麻省理工科技评论》采访时,科伊尔表示,她担心科技的不平等问题可能成为部署人工智能的障碍。“我们谈论的是颠覆,”她说。“这些都是变革性的技术,它们改变了我们每天花费时间的方式,改变了成功的商业模式。”她补充说,要做出这样的“巨大改变”,你需要社会的支持。相反,科伊尔说,许多人的怨恨正在酝酿,因为少数繁荣城市的精英们认为这些好处会流向精英阶层。根据布鲁金斯学会的数据,到2019年,包括旧金山、圣何寨、波士顿和西雅图在内的八个美国城市拥有约38%的科技岗位。人工智能新技术尤其集中:布鲁金斯学会的Mark Muro和Sifan Liu估计,仅15个城市就拥有美国三分之二的人工智能资产和能力(仅旧金山和圣何塞就占约四分之一)。少数城市在人工智能的发明和商业化过程中占据主导地位,这意味着地域差异在财富将继续飙升。不仅会这助长了政治和社会动荡,但它正如科伊尔所指出的那样,这可能会阻碍地区经济增长所需的各种人工智能技术。部分解决方案可能在于以某种方式放松大型科技公司对定义人工智能议程的束缚。这可能需要增加联邦资金,用于独立于科技巨头的研究。例如,Muro 和其他人建议用大量的联邦资金来帮助建立美国的区域创新中心。一个更直接的反应是扩大我们的数字想象力,让人工智能技术不仅能取代工作,还能扩大美国不同地区最关心的部门的机会,如医疗、教育和制造业。