Lab 04 -

  Time Protocol   Using the diagram below configure Network Time Protocol.   Send_ntp will provide time to Receive_ntp.   Use your current time and location for your clock settings.

  Solution:   Set the appropriate time and time zone for the router that will act as   your time server.   Also set the time server using the "ntp master" command.   At the appropriate interface broadcast the NTP protocol.   Send_ntp#clock set 07:30:00 20 jan ...   1999   Send_ntp#config t   Enter configuration commands, one per line. ...   End with CNTL/Z.   Send_ntp(config)#clock ?   summer-time Configure summer (daylight ...   savings) time   timezone Configure time zone   Send_ntp(config)#clock timezone est 5   Send_ntp(config)#clock summer-time ?   WORD name of time zone in summer   Send_ntp(config)#clock summer-time est ?   date Configure absolute summer time   recurring Configure recurring summer time   Send_ntp(config)#clock summer-time est ...   recurring   Send_ntp(config)#int s0   Send_ntp(config-if)#ntp broadcast   Send_ntp(config)#ntp master   Send_ntp#sh run   Building configuration...   %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by ...   console   Current configuration:   ! !

  Last configuration change at 07:40:38 est ...  Wed Jan 20 1999  !  version 11.3  no service password-encryption  !  hostname Send_ntp  !  !  clock timezone est 5  clock summer-time est recurring  !  interface Ethernet0  ip address  !  interface Serial0  ip address  no ip mroute-cache  ntp broadcast  no fair-queue  !  interface Serial1  no ip address  shutdown  !  router rip  network  !  ip classless  line con 0  line 1 8  line aux 0  line vty 0 4  !  ntp master  end  To configure the receiving router, just point it to the time server.  Before router is configured to receive time from NTP server:  receive_ntp#sh clock  *00:05:04.359 UTC Mon Mar 1 1993  receive_ntp#config t  Enter configuration commands, one per line. ...  End with CNTL/Z.  receive_ntp(config)#ntp server ...  receive_ntp(config)#^Z  %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by ...  console  receive_ntp#sh clock  .02:31:46.866 UTC Wed Jan 20 1999  receive_ntp#sh run  Building configuration...  Current configuration:  !  version 11.3  no service password-encryption!  hostname receive_ntp  interface Serial0  ip address  no ip mroute-cache  clockrate 56000  !  interface Serial1  no ip address  shutdown  !  interface Serial2  no ip address  shutdown  !  interface Serial3  no ip address  shutdown  !  interface TokenRing0  no ip address  shutdown  !  interface BRI0  no ip address  shutdown  !  ip classless  line con 0  line aux 0  line vty 0 4  login  !  ntp server  end