山东(Shandong),简称鲁,别称齐鲁,中华人民共和国省级行政区,省会济南,是中国华东地区的一个沿海省份,位于中国东部沿海北纬34°22.9′-38°24.01′,东经114°... 山东
以口头或书面形式,在英语和其他语言之间进行信息转换的专业人员。工作内容 一般英语翻译工作内容有: 以口头形式在英语和另一种语言之间交替(交替传译)或同步(同声传译)进行翻译,尽... 英语翻译


What I hate most is to keep birds in cages. We enjoy them while they are shut up in prison. I must say that l always love birds, but there is a proper way of doing it. One who loves birds should plant trees so that the house will be surrounded with hundreds of shady branches and be a home for birds.
