《大学》是一篇论述儒家修身齐家治国平天下思想的散文,原是《小戴礼记》第四十二篇,相传为春秋战国时期曾子所作,实为秦汉时儒家作品,是一部中国古代讨论教育理论的重要著作。经北宋程颢、程... 大学
美国科罗拉多大学 (University of Colorado)是全美中北部著名的公立大学,创建于1876年,是美国新闻与世界报道所评全美最佳公立大学之一。该大学在科罗拉多州包括四个校区:科罗拉多大学波德校区、科罗拉多大学丹佛校区、科罗拉多大学泉校区、科罗拉多大学医学中心。科罗拉多大学丹佛分校(University of Colorado Denver)与健康科学中心在世界闻名的一个城市提供非常好的全方位教育。在UCDHSC丹佛市区校园,你可以在80个一流的学位课程、由学士到博士进行选择。自1912年有了丹佛以后,学校成了享有声誉的科罗拉多大学系统的一部分,它受到极高的评价并且获得世界各地雇主的尊重。一批有名望的专家学者组成的教学队伍把渊博的教育知识与现实经验带进课堂。班型小,便于学生与导师及同班同学交流。上课时间安排灵活以适应学生的生活方式与学习需要。现有商学院,工程与应用科学学院,建筑与规划学院,艺术与传媒学院,人文科学学院,教育学院,公共事务研究生院。 科罗拉多大学在过去的一百多年的历史中,培养了大批科学和政治精英,该大学的教授与学者们曾获得了包括诺贝尔将在内的诸多奖项,其中包括5位诺贝尔物理学奖获得者。科罗拉多大学对全由学生操作的太空人造卫星引以为荣,曾经登陆太空的太空人,有18位是该大学的毕业同学。在科罗拉多大学最新的联邦基金研究排名中,该学校位于全美大学的第6位,此外在美国国家科学基金会排名中,该学校的几门学科被列入前30名。《美国新闻与世界报道》把科罗拉多丹佛大学的研究生院评为2007和2006年度最佳研究生院,教育学排名第70名,公共事务研究生院在全美公立的城市大学中排前10。《普林斯顿评论》把它评为2007年度“最值大学”、“最佳西部大学”。科罗拉多大学丹佛校区的医学专业很知名。医学院的研究水平在07年度排第26,06年度排第30,药学院排第23,健康管理MBA排第6,生物科学排第56.本校区的健康中心的小儿科护理全国第一,该中心有15个健康研究项目被《美国新闻与世界报道》评为全国前20.而且对本校区城乡社区提供了大量的服务。 科罗拉多大学丹佛校区下设12个学院,分别是:建筑与规划学院,艺术与传媒大学,商学院,教育与人类发展学院,工程与应用科学学院,文理学院,公共事务研究生院,牙医学院,医学院,护理学院,药学院,研究生院。可以提供100多种课程。在教育、商务、数学、艺术、人文科学、工程学、公共管理、医科等领域都处于学术前沿。科罗拉多丹佛校区的教师中四分之三拥有博士学位,师生比例为15:1.该校毕业生有很高的就业率。2、申请点评
好评项:1.Health & Safety: The students, staff, and faculty of CU Denver, for the most part, seem to take safety very seriously and really look out for each other. There are many awareness workshops and events involving a multitude of safety aspects, including sexual assault and arriving home safely after going out to get drunk. There is a campus police building which houses friendly officers that are readily available and even provide escort in the wee hours of the night if you request it.2. Scholarships: The financial aid office is usually pretty busy at the beginning of the school year, and although I have not had problems in the past, this semester I am cutting it close for getting my loan approved through the school. Generally, they are very easy to work with, though.3. Majors: As a music business and singer/songwriter major, the process of getting into my programs involved an audition. The audition included a few of my original songs as well as some technical demonstrations. The auditors are looking more for potential and dedication than perfection (since you haven't even gone to school yet), so if you're auditioning and make a mistake, don't be hard on yourself- you could still get in!4. Off-Campus Dining: The restaurants around downtown Denver are a variety of assorted local restaurants and chains. The local restaurants happen to be the best and offer a real sense of culture.5. Local Area: Denver is incredible and I have never been happier than when I moved here. Living in the city, there is always something to do and I never find myself bored. I go to class walking distance from two amusement parks, a few major sporting venues, and countless music venues. All students get a free public transportation pass, and there are trains or buses that can take you to nature-y locations conveniently and quickly, including a variety of hiking trails and rivers. Red Rocks Amphitheatre is one of the best things nearby. It is a beautiful venue that won Pollstar's award for best outdoor music venue 11 times in a row, which led to them pulling them from the competition and renaming the honour the "Red Rocks Award". Denver is like living in a post card. It is the city of dreams.6. Campus Housing: I personally don't live on campus because I attend a commuter school, but my friends who do love it. I've toured multiple types of rooms in the dorms and they are spacious, roommates develop friendships and in genial the dorms are conveniently located with access to a cafeteria if students do not feel like cooking that day.差评项:1. Off-Campus Housing: Housing around Denver is extremely expensive (although, not compared to bigger cities like Chicago or New York), but there are some neighbourhoods that are very affordable if you go outside of the downtown area, and a lot of them are along the light rail and so you can still get to campus from further out.2. Parking.3. Greek Life.4. Athletics.地理位置方面,科罗拉多大学丹佛分校所在的丹佛市,是科罗拉多州的首府兼最大城市,整个丹佛大都会去人口有200多万,是美国第23大都会区,有着美国国内面积最大的机场。就产业来讲,科罗拉多以地质学和地理学相关产业最为吃香——但请注意,这两个产业本身就是小众产业。
科罗拉多大学-丹佛分校坐落在美国西部充满活力的城市 - 丹佛,学校设有 13 个院系及超过 132 种学位培训计划,为学生传授手把手的实用知识。学校在靠近奥罗拉市的安舒茨医学校区提供有一流的护理和生物专业本科教育课程,这些课程与医学、药剂学、牙科医学、护理和公共卫生专业紧密关联,将帮助你打开通往医学职业生涯的大门。在这里,学生还可为以后从事音乐、能源、教学、工程及建筑等行业打下坚实的基础。我们的商学院位于丹佛的市中心,学校吸引了很多有进取心的学生和高层管理人员前来学习,还有很多政府官员也前来接受我们的公共管理培训。基础科学和应用医学研究专业所获得的美国国家卫生研究所资金超过科罗拉多州的其他所有大学。科罗拉多大学丹佛分校吸引着想要改变自己人生的学生、研究人员及教师员工前来求学、就业。4、强势专业
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