河南省,简称“豫”,中华人民共和国省级行政区,位于中国中部,省会郑州。河南省界于北纬31°23'-36°22',东经110°21&#03... 河南
以口头或书面形式,在英语和其他语言之间进行信息转换的专业人员。工作内容 一般英语翻译工作内容有: 以口头形式在英语和另一种语言之间交替(交替传译)或同步(同声传译)进行翻译,尽... 英语翻译

1. 你经常开着灯睡觉吗?

2. 你是通过参加英语俱乐部的形式来学习英语的吗?

3. 他宁愿呆在家里读一本好书,而不愿去参加聚会。

4. 老师不喜欢上课迟到的学生

5. 这儿有太多的噪音,让我们去安静的地方

6.Would you mind if I went home early?

7.She caught sigh of a car in the distance.

8.You will be informed when the book becomes available.

9.He had some good things to say about people who do hard physical work.

10.He now believes that every young person should be required to spend at least half a year in the world of work before starting university studies.



81. Do you often go to sleep with the light on?

82. Do you learn English by joining an English club?

83. He would rather stay at home and read a good book than go to a party.

84. The teachers don t like students who are late for class.

85. There s too much noise here. Let s go somewhere quiet.




