教师资格是国家对专门从事教育教学工作人员最基本的要求。教师资格制度是国家对教师实行的一种特定的职业许可制度。世界上许多国家对教师的资格标准都有严格的规定,不少国家建立了教师许可证制... 教师资格



2024上半年教师资格面试时间是5月11日-12日,面试准考证打印时间是5月6日至12日。各位考生一定要在规定时间内打印准考证、参加面试。若担心错过教师资格面试准考证打印时间可 免费预约短信提醒,届时我们会短信提醒大家,请及时预约。




Its ears are long. Its eyes are small. Its mouth is small. Its tail is short. What is it? Itis a





(3)试讲时间: 10分钟.


Teaching Aims:

Knowledge aim: Students can master the new words “long, small,short, ears...”

Ability aim: Students can get the information about rabbit and use these words to describe animals.

Emotional aim: Students will improve their interest in English.

Teaching Key Points:

Students can understand the meaning of the new words“long, small short” and use them to describe animals.

Teaching Difficult Points:

Improve students awareness of loving animals and protecting animals.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Warming up


2.Give a riddle about rabbits and let students guess. And then lead in the topic “A rabbit”.

Step 2: Pre-reading

1. Show some pictures of rabbits to let students talk about the common points.

2. Invite students to describe rabbits in their own words.

3. Teach students these words “ tail, mouth ,ears,eyes”

Step 3: While-reading

1.Let students read the sentences and circle the words that are used to describe rabbits and invite one student to share.

2.Read again and find out what part of the rabbits do they describe? After that,invite some students to write and draw a picture on the blackboard.

Step 4: Post-reading

Make a survey: Divide students into several groups. Given some time to ask each other about what are they favorite animals and fill in the survey table. After that, invite some students to share their survey result by intimating the animals in front of the blackboard.

Step 5: Summary & Homework

Invite students to make a summary about what we have learned today.

Draw a picture of your favorite animals and share it in the next class.





